It's been years now i have been doing this overtime, now i am tired because this overtime has taken a huge part of my life and has not given me anything in return but only pain and hurting.

Yes! I know you would be having this question of how come doing overtime can hurt me and cause me pain and take huge part of my life, but who says there is overtime only  in professional world and in work, there is also overtime when overthink about something.

Yes you read it right, we humans have this tendency to overthink on anything which comes into our life and keep doing overtime by overthinking about that particular topic or about any incident which has left a great impact on our life and we are somehow not able to get rid of it no matter  how hard we try.

But have you ever given this thing a thought that what do we receive in return by doing overtime for the process called as overthinking. In a way we our only causing pain to ourselves and if in case the topic or the situation is not that big to overthink we still invest a lot of our time and energy thinking about it and making permutation and combination of every possible thing that how would be the situation afterwards. We drown ourselves with overthinking everything.

Let's say if someone starts paying us for doing overtime for the thinking process we always have in back of our mind, and will be paid high for that same thing, definitely he needs to pay a lot of money to people around him. The process of this overthinking has somewhere or the other, blocked the capacity of human mind to think out of the box and do something without mentioning that what will be the outcome of it. 

The only solution to overcome this overtime and deep friendship with overthink is to just try and ignore the thoughts which are coming in the mind because this kind of thoughts cause us unhappiness and the only best think to keep yourself happy is to keep your mind off those thoughts and think positive. 


  1. Beautifully written Kushal, mindfulness and letting go off the clingy thoughts definitely is a way to live a happy and peaceful life 😊

    1. exactly mam, as we can see how the life of any common men is going onn.. i am sure that this is the best way to live the happy life, and also glad that u like my blog...And yeahh it is the key to a happy and peaceful life thank you😊😊


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